TorqueScript  0.2
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CTorqueScript::AST::ASTNodeBase AST node class. All AST nodes should derive from this class
 CTorqueScript::CompilerPrimary compiler class. This class is an AST visitor that walks the AST tree generated by a AST::ASTBuilder instance to generate an InstructionSequence instance
 CTorqueScript::CodeBlockA CodeBlock defines a piece of executable code generated from a single input (Ie. a file). This includes global executable code and subroutines, datablocks, etc
 CTorqueScript::ConsoleObjectBase class for object instances recognized by the interpreter. These object instances may contain member fields addressable the interpreter as well as tagged fields which are arbitrarily mapped values
 CTorqueScript::FileObjectA FileObject is a class that may be used to interact with the filesystem provided by the PlatformContext configured with the interpreter
 CTorqueScript::ExecutionScopeA specific scope of execution - this is used to delineate local variables primarily
 CTorqueScript::ExecutionStateExecution state structure - this is passed around internally in the virtual machine for arbitrary access
 CTorqueScript::FunctionA function is callable subroutine from anywhere in the language, defined by a script. A NativeFunction is a specialization of this that allows native C++ programming to be called from within the interpreter
 CTorqueScript::NativeFunctionA NativeFunction is a specialization of Function that allows native C++ programming to be called from within the interpreter
 CTorqueScript::FunctionRegistryA FunctionRegistry is used to keep track of registered functions in memory by the packages they are associated with
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::InstructionBase instruction class. All instructions in the interpreter should dervive from this class and implement all virtual members
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::AccessArrayInstructionAccesses an array on a local or global variable. Technically, we just take all array indices and use them to generate a new variable name to emulate array accesses
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::AddAssignmentInstructionPerforms an addition of two values on the stack and assigns the result
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::AddInstructionAdds together two values on the stack and pushes the sum
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::AssignmentInstructionAssign to lhs with whatever is on rhs
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::BitwiseAndInstructionPerforms a bitwise AND against two values
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::BreakInstructionBreaks out of the current loop, ending all possible loop iterations immediately
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::CallBoundFunctionInstructionCalls a function that is bound to an object identified on the stack
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::CallFunctionInstructionCalls a function registered within the current interpreter
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::ConcatInstructionConcatenates two values at the top of the stack and pushes back the result
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::DivideInstructionPerforms a divide on two values at the top of the stack, pushing the result back
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::EqualsInstructionCompares two values on the stack using an equality
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::FunctionDeclarationInstructionRegisters a callable function to the registry in the current interpreter
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::JumpFalseInstructionJumps to the specified instruction offset if a condition is false. The condition checked is the value at the top of the stack coerced to a boolean. If the condition is true, this instruction only pops the stack
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::JumpInstructionUnconditionally jumps to the specified instruction offset
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::JumpTrueInstructionJumps to the specified instruction offset if a condition is true. The condition checked is the value at the top of the stack coerced to a boolean. If the condition is false, this instruction only pops the stack
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::LessThanInstructionCompares two values on the stack using a less than relation
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::MultiplyInstructionMultiplies together two values on the stack and pushes the result back to the stack
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::NOPInstructionInstruction that does nothing. It usually is used to pad jumps in order to provide safe jump targets within the current program space
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::NegateInstructionNegate a value on the stack
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::NotInstructionInvert the truthfulness of a value on the stack
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PopInstructionPops a value from the stack, discarding it
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PopLoopInstructionUsed to keep track of loops in the virtual instructions. This instruction marks the end of a loop control construct
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PushFloatInstructionPush float instruction. This will push a floating point value to the system stack for later use in execution
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PushGlobalReferenceInstructionPush a reference to a named global variable. The parameter provided here should be excluding the '$' prefix
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PushIntegerInstructionPush integer instruction. This will push an integer value to the system stack for later use in execution
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PushLocalReferenceInstructionPush a reference to a named local variable. The parameter provided here should be excluding the '' prefix
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PushLoopInstructionUsed to keep track of loops in the virtual instructions. This instruction marks the start of a loop control construct
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::PushStringInstructionPush string instruction. This will push a string value to the system stack for later use in execution
 CTorqueScript::Instructions::ReturnInstructionEnds execution in the current function immediately. It will take one value from the top of the stack and push it to the parent stack before returning
 CTorqueScript::InterpreterThe interpreter class represents a high level instance of the TorqueScript interpreter. It is where execution control flow begins
 CTorqueScript::InterpreterConfigurationA structure representing overall interpreter runtime configuration. Some settings can be changed at runtime while others are static once initialized
 CTorqueScript::ObjectInstantiationDescriptorStruct describing a tree of console object initializations
 CTorqueScript::StoredValueStorage class used to keep variable values in-memory of arbitrary data types. The data types supported as integers, floats and strings (via string ID table references)
 CTorqueScript::TypeInformation< classType >
 CTorqueScript::TypeInformation< ConsoleObject >
 CTorqueScript::StringTableA string table maintains a mapping of numeric identifiers to their raw string values. This is used to simplify code referencing strings by using a fixed width identifier
 CTorqueScript::InstructionSequenceStorage class for a sequence of instructions to be executed. Also implements the primary execution code for running Torque Script virtual instructions
 CTorqueScript::StoredValueStackStorage class used to keep variable values in-memory of arbitrary data types. This is the base class and should not be instantiated directly