EasyDelegate  2.0
Delegate and deferred callers for C++11.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 deferredcallers.hppInclude file declaring the deferred caller types for use in systems where deferred calls is a necessity
 delegates.hppInclude file declaring various delegate types
 delegateset.hppInclude file containing the definition for the DelegateSet class
 easydelegate.hppMain include file for the EasyDelegate library
 exceptions.hppInclude file containing the definitions for all exception types thrown by the EasyDelegate library
 mainpage.hMain page file for use with Doxygen. This file does absolutely nothing otherwise
 types.hppInclude file declaring various helper types used by the EasyDelegate library. They may also aid programmers using the library as well